Starting point
ARGUS Developer
The most trusted tool in the real estate industry.
More professional real estate developers trust their development projections and analyses to ARGUS Developer than any other real estate software solution. Used by thousands of owners, commercial developers, home builders, land developers, agents and financial institutions around the world, ARGUS Developer combines feasibility with sensitivity analysis and investment structures into one customizable bundle. Developers can customize as needed with our Project, Structured Finance and Budget modules to forecast and track cash flows, maximize profitability and provide consistent and transparent reports for investors.
A guided approach to ARGUS Developer for new users or those wanting to refresh their skills. Our expert trainers will guide you through a proven example, highlighting the key areas of the software, and ensuring that whatever you existing skill level, you will leave confident in navigating, creating and producing finished and polished development appraisals.
For those familiar with ARGUS Developer or just wanting a refresher before diving into more technical training, you will start with a simple "quick and dirty" model, before moving onto more detailed data inputs and customisations.
You're already an expert user of ARGUS Developer, or want to focus your attention on key areas only.
Beyond simple training, maybe you have a real world problem you need to work through? Let our specialist trainers help you visualise your project in new ways, we can design a session around your live data or perhaps you want a fresh look at an existing project?
ARGUS Enterprise
ARGUS Enterprise has entered the market as a Global Real Estate Valuation tool.
Based around an International Cashflow model, the tools also carries various modules for UK Valuations, Direct Capitlisation as well as reporting and Analysis tools.
A simple, guided approach to ARGUS Enterprise for existing AE users or those already familiar with UK Redbook Valuation. We begin by creating principle records, before setting up a simple, multi-tenant freehold property with a focus on Traditional Valuation.
As ARGUS Enterprise has such a large scope, most other training is considered bespoke, looking at different modules. Please get in touch for specific requirements.
KEL Sigma
KEL Software has been producing reliable valuation software for over 35 years, and continually evolve to meet the needs of their customers. KEL Sigma represents a range of comprehensive tools for Traditional Valuation, analysis and Reporting. KEL has become the choice for the vast majority of UK Redbook Valuations.
As a Preferred Training Partner with KEL Software, please get in touch for more details.
A simple, guided approach to KEL Sigma. Beginining with a simple property setup, a multi-tenanted approach, and at each stage looking at the Traditional Valuation reports and the effects of lease events and costs.
ARGUS Valuation Capitalisation (Discontinued)
ARGUS Valuation-Capitalisation has now been discontinued and ARGUS has transitioned now to Enterprise. However, many customers will still have their past valuation data backed up in ValCap format.
For this reason, I am still supporting customers in the extraction of ValCap data.
Whether you have corrupted data during an AE import, you are trying to pull data from old archives, or simply need to compare current AE files to past ValCap valuations, please get in touch and I will be glad to help you as best I can.
As a discontinued tool, no training options are available.
Whatever your knowledge or experience with ARGUS Developer, ARGUS Enterprise, ARGUS Valution Capitalisation, or KEL Sigma, we have tailored solutions to suit you and your business.